
Most of the important site-exclusive threads will be stored here for quick and easy access. This includes the Rules, an Island Map, the Setting, a Calendar, and any current large-scale plot. The Warrior Code and List of Herbs are located in the Continued Education board.

Oct 5, 2013 5:31:15 GMT -6
Continued Education

As previously stated, one will find the Warrior Code and Lists of Medicinal Herbs within. Understand that this is for public reference. If you can think of any important Warriors lore that should be added, don't hesitate to inform a staff member.

Taken Names
Oct 13, 2013 22:09:45 GMT -6

If you figured the name implied the existence of a board designated for staff discussion, you were correct. While you can see the actuality of the board, unless there is a staff rank within the account you're currently using, you will be unable to access it. Whether the staff are being sadistic in tantalizing you with a special board is irrelevant. If you find that your curiosity is simply too much for you to reasonably deal with on a day-to-day basis, feel free to ask the Admin for a staff application. Whether you are accepted will be based on merit alone, so please, do not tempt us with pretty pennies.


Advertising is essential to obtaining members on any site, A Warrior's Fate included. It's considered courteous behavior in the role-playing community to keep your ads to a single board. This one is, of course, guest friendly. Just be sure to post in the appropriate spot. We don't care if a site is posted twice, just know that we will reciprocate.

Mar 29, 2014 7:18:37 GMT -6

New arrivals are always welcome to toss an introduction thread up or simply look around and get to know some of the other people on the site. Someone will respond eventually. Old members are encouraged to check this board often. A Warrior's Fate is a community, not just a website. Everyone is welcome.

by Deleted
Oct 11, 2013 0:43:39 GMT -6

If you're planning to disappear for any extended period of time, let the rest of us know. Characters are inactive if they have gone two weeks without an In-Character post. They are moved to abandoned and whatever rank they hold is opened if they have been Absent With Out Leave for a full moon. Giving us notice saves your characters from such a sad fate.

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Artistic members can petition the staff for their own sub-board within this department. You are allowed to charge for your services, just remember that the ProBoards TOS does not condone or tolerate anything rated higher than PG-13. Everyone else can come to ask for a graphic or even coding help. V5 has a tendency to be rather complicated, especially when it comes to table codes the role-playing community are so fond of. There's no shame in asking for help.

Table Gallery.
by Littlestar
Oct 11, 2013 13:28:04 GMT -6

For matters not pertaining, in any way, to the IC world of A Warrior's Fate, this board is reserved. Just remember to not post strange nude pictures of your Great-Aunt Bessie. Or of yourself. Yeah, don't post nude pictures of yourself either. You know what? Just don't post nude pictures. There's this thing with the TOS and ProBoards Staff and oh right, no one wants to see that anyway. Thanks.

[ Arcade ]

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Completed or abandoned threads are moved every month or so. Usually, they are placed somewhere inside here. If a thread you are participating in has been moved in error, do not hesitate to inform a staff member. It'll be returned as quickly as possible.

Oct 18, 2013 10:47:48 GMT -6


All high ranks on A Warrior's Fate are decided based on auditions. We do not hold to the notion of it being necessary for there to be several tryouts before a rank can be decided. Information on exactly how it works can be found within.

HeatherClan Leader
Oct 14, 2013 15:00:06 GMT -6

For those who read the rules, this will come as no surprise. For those who refuse to arm themselves with adequate knowledge of A Warrior's Fate, please pay close attention. Every character created within this board must have his own account. Also, characters cannot be role-played until their biography has been moved to the appropriate Accepted sub-board.

by Desertstorm
Oct 6, 2013 5:02:17 GMT -6

Once again, do not post In-Character with an account before the biography of the cat has been moved to one of these six sub-boards. Also remember that members can only interact with living characters through their dreams, and these correspondences must be cleared by a staff member beforehand.

by Jaggedclaw
Oct 20, 2013 14:48:14 GMT -6

Any form of finding or creating a plot will take place here. As the attainment of prior relationships with one's peers can be considered, in a way, plotting, it is included. Role-playing a meeting from the past, however, has been granted its own board: Echoes.

A Leaders Life
by Deleted
Oct 20, 2013 14:21:33 GMT -6

If you need a character created by another member for a plot, to fill a litter, or even because the character is mentioned in some obscure part of your character's history, post a wanted ad. Many are filled quickly. Giving an entire, completed bio is hardly necessary unless you are wanting a very specific character played. You can even hold mini-tryouts if it's necessary.

To the Bitter End
Oct 18, 2013 20:15:05 GMT -6

Character Logs are spiffy little threads that tell about the life and times of a character. They may have information not stated in the biography or a list of thread history. Of course, the possession of a tracker is not, in any way, mandatory.

What Happens in the Past, Stays in the Past
by Deleted
Oct 20, 2013 22:19:38 GMT -6

Sometimes, it's necessary to have a thread exist in the past. Maybe it was a first meeting between characters or perhaps an important ceremony. These are to be located here while active. Once completed, they will be moved to whichever archive they would have gone to had they been created in the normal IC boards.

A Warrior's Beginnings
by Deleted
Oct 20, 2013 21:31:16 GMT -6

Fire Peak

Though the cats of the Clans have called the volcano on the north of the isle many names in the past, this generation seems to prefer "Fire Peak". For the last twenty or so moons the tip of the mountain has smoked as if eternally aflame. On clear nights, one might even make out the glow of fire illuminating the underside of the exhaust. It is only a matter of time before liquid earth spouts from the mountain and creates new land.

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The Abyss

At the base of the mountain in an obsidian cliff face lies a tunnel large enough for 4 cats to comfortably walk abreast. It leads deep into the heart of the peak, where temperatures soar and the air is thick with the acrid scent of burning. Just when a cat believes himself unable to go further, the tunnel opens into a large cave. There is no ceiling, the walls instead rising all the way to the sky. On the opposite side, a precipice serves as the only warning of the danger of such a place. Far below lies the Lake of Liquid Fire. Anyone wishing to speak with StarClan must be watching the churning lava as the moon rises to it's highest point in the night sky.

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Every full moon is met with a Gathering of the Clans. These meetings are held in a truce made holy by StarClan. Gatherings occur in the shadow of Fire Mountain on the bank of the lake. The beach here is peppered with comfortably smooth stones. Occasionally, one might find a water snake taking shelter within the rocks, but they hardly pose a threat to a trained Warrior.

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Most of this end of Sunset Island is covered by a rough black rock. There is the odd grass or shrub that manages to find hold in the sparse dirt. Hunting is scarce but existent, allowing the territory to offer just enough sustenance for a lone cat.

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HailClan Camp

The entrance is guarded by bracken that's two tail-lengths thick. There's a rock in the middle of the camp where the leader makes his announcements, under which is the leaders den. The Warriors den is off to the side, close to the camp entrance and the Apprentices den is beside it. There is a fern tunnel to the left of the entrance that leads to the well sheltered Medicine clearing, which has another den off to one side that holds the Nursery. The Elders den is at the back of the camp and is in the shade of a large tree.

by Falconsong
Oct 20, 2013 13:56:01 GMT -6

Not far from the HailClan camp is a medium sized hollow lined with thickets that has a sandy ground layer. The Clan uses this area as the training ground due to its moderate shelter and soft ground.

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Every cat in the forest has a love for laying in the sunlight and letting their fur soak up the sunlight. The Sunningrocks are a collection of large flat rocks not far from camp that are perfect for laying on and doing just that.

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The Ravine

The Ravine is a depression in the forest floor where a small stream runs where numerous prey live, and is generally considered to be one of the best places to hunt.

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The Forest

The forest is home to many creatures: birds, owls, rabbits, squirrels, thrush, and most notably Clan cats. The forest holds everything that HailClan values and they'll defend it with their lives if they must. The Forest covers all of the land from the east river all the way to the steps at the base of the volcano.

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The River

The east river is both deep and swift, too far across for even a ReedClan cat to safely make it across. Compound that with rocks hidden just under the surface of the water that are easily able to break a cat smashed against it, this is possibly the most easily defended clan boundary of the four clans. There are few natural ways over the river: a narrow rock bridge that only two cats can cross abreast at a time and a couple of other spots where there are a series of rocks a cat could use as stepping stones.

Entertain Me. [open]
by Deleted
Oct 20, 2013 14:10:28 GMT -6

HeatherClan Camp

Nestled deep in the heart of the Highlands, HeatherClan Camp is a circle of cliff faces. As such, it is near impenetrable save for the very small opening in the north end of the wall. There are a few paths up the rock face for those who are particularly vertically inclined. Small cave systems dot the walls, offering protection from the elements of the windswept hill country.

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The Flats

The environment in which a young cat learns is important. There must be sufficient room to maneuver for battle practice, plenty of level ground to perfect the different stalking techniques for a plethora of prey. The only patch of land in the entire territory fitting these requirements are the Flats, a small valley just outside Camp.

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The highest point in HeatherClan territory serves as both a comfortable place to lounge in the warmth of the sun and vantage point. The furthest reaches of HeatherClan and much of MistClan is visible to a sharp eyed watcher.

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Hunting is scarce in most of the highlands simply because of the terrain. Where the bracken grows so dense few predators are willing to brave, the prey thrive. It takes significant skill to maneuver in the thorny depths of brush and not alert the small mammals who dwell there.

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The territory claimed and well-guarded by HeatherClan is a vast landscape of rolling hills and harsh drops. Much of the earth is covered with grasses and hardy shrubbery. Rabbits are the most common source of prey, though field mice and the occasional snake can be killed. The entire ocean border is a sheer precipice no cat wishes to fall from. It is near impossible to reach the sea below without a fatal tumble over the edge.

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The Crags

The slopes between HeatherClan and MistClan are treacherous, much to the dismay of countless cats. They are a series of steep drops that hinder easy passage between Clan territories, but they are far from impassible.

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MistClan Camp

If TwolegPlace was excluded, MistClan camp is located as close to the center of their territory as reasonably possible. As the highest point, it is relatively safe from the almost annual flooding. The long dead trees which are generally scattered throughout the territory are particularly dense here, allowing a safe haven during the harsh rainy season.

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MistClan Warriors are proud of their fierce nature and seemingly inability to be disconcerted. Most believe it's impossible to ruffle their fur, so the idea that they train in a clearing of endless mud is hardly a stretch. The mire is kept constantly churned by the claws of training fighters.

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Flattop Rocks

The highest point of MistClan's territory, these boulders remain dry throughout the year, only wet during downpours. Soaking in the warmth of the sun throughout the day, the Rocks, though situated in what most believe the most uninhabitable piece of the isle, are possibly the most comfortable. Such heat soothes old aches and gentles turbulent thoughts.

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Because the only known TwolegPlace on Sunset Island, a stigma looms over the Clan of the wetlands. This cluster of buildings and the surrounding fields where the grass is cut short is one of MistClan's primary hunting grounds. There is a plethora of prey to be found for those willing to stare defiantly into the face of a twoleg. When the prey is scarce, there is always the castoff of those great lumbering beasts as a back-up plan. MistClan is rarely forced to starve.

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Around the southern side of the lake, stretching almost from river to river lies the territory of MistClan. These lands are the lowest point of the isle and were once part of the lake. In the last several hundred moons, the waters have mostly receded, though the wetlands are the first to flood and slowest to dry.

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There is a saying among the clans, "A cat is heavier than a mouse." This saying originated near the ReedClan and MistClan border because of the numerous pools of quicksand that dot the landscape there. However, even a no-cats land is passible, and the two clans have been known to have many border skirmishes.

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ReedClan Camp

Nestled within the reeds at the rivers bend, the ReedClan camp is very well sheltered from prying eyes. The entrance is a tunnel or thorn bushes a couple taillengths thick. A couple mouselengths from there is the warriors den woven from the long grass growing among the reeds and the reeds themselves. The leaders den is directly across from the warriors den under the only outcropping in the camp, which also serves as the spot the leader uses during clan meetings. The Medicine den and Nursery are under a bush woven with grass stalks to keep out rain not far off to the side of the Leaders den. The Clan Apprentices have a den on the opposite side of the entrance as the Warriors den which is built much the same way, and the Elders den is tucked in between their den and the Medicine den.

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The bank on the far side of the bend in the river has a natural hollow that is perfect for practicing combat and learning how to catch fish from the river.

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The Mistrocks are next to the harbor waterfall. They are favored by the majority of the clan for the amount of sunlight they receive and the light mist from the spray of the waterfall.

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The River

The River provides ReedClan with the majority of its food. It's filled with fish large enough to feed three cats at a time.

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Just because the lowlands are one of the lowest points of the island doesn't mean that its the lowest of the island. There's a natural spring that both feeds a waterfall in the island harbor, next to which is one of ReedClans favorite place to rest and sun themselves, and into Meridian Lake at the center of the island. There's a forest rich with prey that stretches from the north side of the river to the ocean, and a grassland that runs right up to the marshes that MistClan call home. The Clan camp is nestled in the bend of the river going to the lake, and their practice grounds aren't too much farther downstream from there.

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